Tracking Your Email Campaigns

Tracking Your Email Campaigns with Google Analytics and Your Marketing Software 
Email campaigns can be a highly useful marketing tool. It is important to obtain accurate statistics in order to discover their effectiveness. These statistics, as well as an overall idea of your return on investment (ROI) for the campaign, can be acquired by using Google Analytics combined with software tools from an email marketing service like Sendinblue or another email software provider monitoring pre-click information.
Tracking Users’ Actions 
Software from email marketing services can help you gather basic information about the recipients of your email campaigns. Specifically, the email software is designed to give you user information regarding which recipients have opened each email and clicked on links within, as well as which ones have ignored it altogether. However, once your recipient clicks on a link inside of a message, the email software no longer can gather statistics on any further actions.
Here, Google Analytics can be put into use to gather a wealth of “post-click” knowledge about them including actions that the recipients take once they have clicked on the links within the email. By creating an advanced segment within Google Analytics, an email campaign manager can track the destination website’s source, discover how successful the email campaign is, and make any changes necessary to bring users to the site.
Implement Sendinblue to Complement Google Analytics
Of course, Google Analytics helps a campaign manager gather “post-click” information; but how can you obtain further information about the user’s actions before they click on the links within the email?
Simple – by using tools offered by Sendinblue, an email marketing service delivering a host of benefits. You can view statistics including open rates, click rates, unsubscribe rates, the number of contacts who sent the email to a “junk” folder, the number of clicks per link, and statistics based on your recipients’ providers including Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, and all the others when you are empowered by Sendinblue’s tracking technology.
This, in combination with statistics provided by your Google Analytics strategy, can help your marketing team gather incredibly useful information that will be useful as you craft and revise all your successful email marketing campaigns.

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.