3 Easy Steps to Optimize Your Email

Despite the fact that online content marketing and the use of social media for outreach are growing at a more rapid rate than ever before, the value of a great email campaign shouldn’t be underrated. If you’re a business or business marketer, here are three easy steps to start optimizing your email campaign today:
1. Improve Email Deliverability
 The single most important element of an effective email campaign is ensuring that the email is actually deliverable to your audience. It’s extremely important that you use the right tactics to make sure that your email doesn’t wind up in a user’s spam folder, or that it’s not deleted immediately before even being opened. You can improve email deliverability by customizing fields in your data base using email newsletter and marketing services like Sendinblue, Aweber, or Constant Contact; carefully selecting your email address and name that will appear in the “from” field of the email; and setting up a Sender Policy Framework (SPF).
2. Limit Your Text, Optimize Your Visuals & CTAs
 Once you’ve improved email deliverability to the point that users are actually receiving and opening your emails, the next step is guaranteeing that the content within is interesting, engaging, and readable. If you’re like most marketers, this means that you probably need to reduce the amount of text within your email, placing the most important information in headings within the text. To eliminate too much white space, replace the text with visuals, like relevant pictures or videos, and make sure you have a strong CTA. CTA stands for call to action, and is the part of your email that details what you want the user to actually do. Without at least one good CTA, your users are unlikely to take any action at all, other than just deleting your email once it’s been read.
3. Use a Newsletter Service
 If you’re not already using an email newsletter and marketing service to help ensure that your emails actually reach your customers, today’s the day to start. A newsletter service can optimize your emails for you, creating emails that are aesthetically pleasing, relevant, social media ready, mobile-optimized, and more. A newsletter service can also help you to manage all of your email lists, and even track analytics (like how many emails are actually being opened).
Optimizing an email campaign is time-consuming work, but doesn’t have to be difficult. By improve your email deliverability, limiting the text with your emails, optimizing visuals and calls to action, and investing in the services of a professional newsletter service, you can be well on your way to growing your customer base and improving ROI in no time.

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.